Rush hour traffic can often be a nightmare. Not only are you late, but the guy in front of you is contently sitting in the wrong lane, blocking your way. This can only mean one thing; one must resort to overtaking this imbecile whilst thrusting a fist menacingly at him!
One day I was in a friend’s car on the way back home after work, feeling grumpy and rather tired. That’s when I saw it - the delicate silver lining, that glorious pot of gold- at the end of a beautiful rainbow. No really.
The vibrant colours mystified us and we both sat in silence and marveled at its utter beauty. That’s when I realised it. We all spend too many precious moments complaining about our hum drum lives, when we really should be enjoying the natural beauty that surrounds us. Why is it that it’s always the bad that resonates in our minds at a days end?
Today, on this mundane Monday, I ask you to take a few minutes for yourself. Sit back and think about what you have to be thankful for. Or if you are lucky enough and live on a beautiful island like me, absorb the wonderful scenery that surrounds you. Misty dewy mornings, the warmth of the hot sun on your skin, blazing pastel skies at sunset and every once in awhile – that multi coloured arc that stops you right in your tracks and make you believe in magic, at least for a few seconds that is!
Many apologies for the blurry picture- it was taken off my ipod!